Company culture

Creating our Values

Creating our Values
Steffi Rose
Steffi Rose
minute read
June 1, 2022
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Crafting company values is not a simple feat. They form an important part of your identity - describing how team members interact with each other and your customers, and how your business “does business”. In late 2021, as our team had grown from 4 to over 20 (and today is over 40), we came together as a team to define our core values and what it means to work for, and with, Yellow Canary.

We are customer-centric

Our customers are at the centre of everything we do, and ensuring that we provide an exceptional customer journey is the key to our collective success.

We are one team

We respect, value and empathise with everyone in our team. We put our collective goals and the team first. Ego has no place here - collaboration, communication, and connection are the cornerstones of how we work with one another, across all functional areas.

We focus on solutions

When faced with challenges, we work together to find solutions that are fit for purpose. We take an automation mindset to everything we do. We love a creative, innovative solution that makes life easier through a smart and pragmatic approach, not a complicated one.

We are bold and hungry for growth

We continually focus on ambitious ideas to fuel our growth. We encourage and value innovative ideas from the whole team. We are excited by growth, the pursuit of greater things, and are energised by continual improvement.

We are resilient

In an ever-changing environment, we are flexible and adaptable. Resilience goes hand-in-hand with working at a growing company, and we view change as a positive.

We act with integrity

Doing the right thing by our people, customers, and partners is at the core of our business. We are passionate about our people and our platform, which we created to help employers do the right thing by their employees.

In a recent survey of our team, 100% of our team either agree or strongly agree that Yellow Canary holds true to our values. It’s a humbling result, and one we’re exceptionally proud of. We include a values-based interview in our recruitment framework. We do this not to look for carbon-copy versions of our current team, but to find people who feel motivated and aligned with our values so we can build a place where our team can do their best work - it sounds cliche, but it’s true.

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